To Breathe Another Day

Welcome to my blog. There are many reasons I am starting to blog : to connect with others, to , hopefully, help others who are struggling with health or life in general, and to get some help with accountability. I have to accept what I can't change and be held accountable for what I need to do to live. If I say I am going to do something, ask me if I am doing it. Really, ask me. I want your feedback. I want to live and be as healthy as I can be.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Just 5 simple things

I apologize to those of you who have tried to leave a comment and were unsuccessful.  They said they were having some kind of difficulty.  I change "something", and I think it will work now.  Let's hope it does.

Today has been a long day.  My parents are remodeling the livingroom, so I am sitting on the loveseat in the kitchen.   I don't feel well, so I haven't been out of the house since yesterday.  Did I mention that the tv was dropped, so we don't have that in this part of the house.  I miss my tv really bad. 

I definitely need to do a gratitude list today!


1. My Health
2. My Church Family
3. music
4. Dayton
5. My Cozy Bed

I need this list today.  I hate it when I get depressed.  Everything I think is negative  and whiny.  I know I get this way when I'm not feeling good, but something else also triggered it.

I was reading my pph awareness magazine (I can't think of the name at the moment), and it made me start thinking of  all the things that can go wrong and of all the people who die from this disease.  I hate that.  Why am I still here and they aren't?  Why should I be any different? 

I have so much that I want to do.  Swim, hike, travel, etc..  I want to know what it's like to breathe normal.  I don't remember.  I don't remember.  That makes me sad and angry.

I know God has a plan for me.  I seriously believe he is healing me right now!  I just get caught up in the negative crap.  I didn't want this blog to be a whining post for me.  I just need to get it out sometimes.  I'm very thankful for my gratitude list.

I would like to hear back from you what you are thankful for.  Will you do that?  Just list 5 things you want to thank God for, or one thing, or ten.

Thank you for reading,



Anonymous said...

Here's my list Oshie!
1.God's Grace
3.Family, especially children,grandhcildren & hubby
5.My computer so we can communicate without you having to talk
I will pray extra hard for you tonight. I cry when I think of how much you struggle to breathe. I know you believe in God's healing power but you are still human. We all get down sometimes and knowing why you are down right now helps me to pray with purpose.
God, Michelle needs your touch right now. She needs to feel your arms around her as she sits on your lap. Fill her with your love & help her to know that this is temporary. Please help her asthma to ease up so she can rest and get back to her old self. Thank you God for giving her life. We know you are the reason she is still alive! Amen
I love you, Nani

Marcia said...

1. I am thankful that you have started this blog as you are such an inspiration.
2. I am thankful for our almighty God who has the power to heal and I am praying His power will fill you with a wonderous healing.
3. I am thankful for my health. There are days I have pain and don't want to get up and go but when I see what you endure mine is nothing.
4. I am thankful for your strong faith in God. He is there for you and how could we survive the bad times without Him.
I want you to know that I am praying for you and thinking of you. Stay strong! And you know what it's ok to whine sometimes. God doesn't care. He understands we all have bad days but He loves us anyway. Keep the updates coming so I will know how to pray for you and what your needs are. You are amazing!
Love ya,
Marcia Hollingshead

Pat said...

I am grateful that you are still here. Even with the trails you go through , you are an inspirition. Don't give up. Everyone has bad times, yours are just for a much bigger reason.

Shana Hambleton said...

I have read your blog since you started it. You are such an inspiration. I have always tried to be a positive person, but sometimes I find myself whining too! As Marcia said, its ok to whine sometimes, God doesn't care! I always try to think that there is someone, somewhere that is worse off than I am, and has worse problems than I do. That usually helps me put things into perspective very quickly. I also believe that God never gives us more than we can handle. He has a plan for you, just as he has a plan for me and everyone else.
Today, I wanted to write to you what I am thankful for.
I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for my dogs, silly or not, they love me no matter what!
I am thankful that God blesses me in some way, shape or form every single day.
I am thankful that God is in control of my life.

Keep up with your blog. You are going to touch many lives my friend.
Shana Hambleton